It is easy to remember to give thanks for the light. It is harder to remember to give thanks for the darkness.
I had a dark time a week ago. I had been planning on using my personal Zoom account to create the chapels for Meditation Chapel. But then Zoom made a change
in their configuration, limiting the number of concurrent meetings per account to one. This meant that not only could I not use my personal Zoom account for the chapels, but I suddenly needed two more Zoom accounts.
This meant coming up with almost $400 that I was not planning on spending. I had already spent almost $100 on hosting the web site. Who could I go to for another $400?
It turned out the answer was staring at me in the face. Literally. I could go to the people I meditate with online, everyday. So I created a YouCaring fund drive and posted a link on our Facebook page. Within 48 hours, we had raised more than enough funds to pay for this site for a year.
People donated willingly, even gladly. I think people were grateful for the opportunity to support a project that has become such an important part of their lives. Many used the opportunity to thank us for creating this. Because of that darkness, we are more of a community than ever.
Thank you, darkness.
– Roger Sessions
Photo credit: sijji_2, distributed by Flickr and made available through Creative Commons.