New Group Leaders

New Group Facilitators

We welcome new groups to make use of

If you are new or an established meditation group facilitator, we would like to share our space with you. Here is the process for bringing your online group on board:

  1. Check out our site rules and make sure you agree with them.
  2. Register as a chapel user if you haven’t already done so.
  3. Contact Moira of the Executive Team using the contact page and let her know of your interest. It would be helpful if you send her the URL for your organization. For your convenience, Moira will be your single point of contact for the approval process.
  4. For new MC facilitators, MOira will schedule an online conference with you to learn more about you.
  5. Moira will also help you create a short proposal for the Meditation Chapel Executive Committee. This should be no more than one page and should include:
    • A description of the group
    • The amount of time the group will meet
    • An outline of the group format
    • A description of the background of the group leader
  6. The Executive Committee will either approve or ask for more information. It is rare that requests are rejected.
  7. We will assign a chapel and time slot for you in our online calendar.

That’s it! And remember, there is no charge to you or your group for using our site. We want to make it as easy as possible for you.